— Module 2 —

Your Signature Book

— Module 2 —

Module 2.1 — Structuring Your Best Seller

— Book Structure

— Title & Sub-Title Creation

— Chapter Outline

— Paperback or Hardcover?

— Cover Photo Design: ALWAYS Get the original RAW High Resolution .PSD from Graphic Designer

— Front & Back PRINTED Cover Design

— Promotional Book Launch Sales Site: www.ExpertAuthorityBook.com

— Pre-Sale: Page for people to order from: www.ExpertAuthorityBook.com/pre-sale

— Printing Investment — https://www.createspace.com/Products/Book/

Module 2.2 — Choosing Your Best Seller Categories

Categories on Amazon (How to pick the best ones for YOU):

First off we need to go to Amazon to do some recon:

Specifically in books…under Kindle >>> So just click here the link is ugly <<<

You will see on the left hand column:

Kindle Book Deals
Popular Features
Kindle Unlimited
Prime Reading

Audible Narration
New Releases

and just below all that:

Kindle eBooks

with a lot of categories (This where you want to write down at least 3, but really the top 5 categories YOU WOULD LIKE to be in…doesn’t mean you will, or should, but write them down for quick reference to go back to.

As an example I am choosing “Business & Money” Kindle Books

if you scroll down you will see a tiny blue link in the middle of the page that says “See All Best-Sellers in Business & Money” >>> this is that link <<< *(MAKE SURE YOU FOUND IT FIRST THOUGH SO YOU CAN EASILY DO IT FOR YOURSELF FOR RECON)*

You will see the top 20 listed, we only care about #1 <<< that is what we have to beat

Click the title that is #1 

Scroll down until you see “Product Details”

Product Details

    • File Size: 3172 KB
    • Print Length: 133 pages
    • Publisher: Bard Press; 1 edition (April 1, 2013)
    • Publication Date: April 1, 2013
    • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
    • Language: English
    • ASIN: B00C1BHQXK
    • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
    • X-Ray:
    • Word Wise: Enabled
    • Lending: Not Enabled
    • Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

That was taken directly from amazon.

See where it says “Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #44 Paid in Kindle Store”

That tells us literally that it is #44 in all of Amazon Based On Amazon’s Best Sellers Ranking System.

WHICH MEANS …..the book @ #1 is #44 in all of Amazon = we would need to get to #43 in order TO BEAT THEM thus taking over spot #1 for best seller. 

“How many books would you need to be a best seller?”

Let’s consult our awesome cheat sheet that we’ve compiled over the years of dozens of book launches to assist in this shall we 🙂

# on the left = Amazon Best Seller Ranking # —– #’s on the right = how many books you need to sell in a 24 hr period of time to achieve #1 Best Seller Ranking BASED ON the Amazon BSR # of the book in the category you chose.

1 – 5         3,500 + Per Day
6 – 10     2,000 to 3,500 per day
11-20        1,100 to 2,000 per day
21-65        650 to 1,100 per day
66 -80      550 to 650 per day
81-200          300 to 550 per day
201 – 1,000            100 to 300 per day
1,001-2000                55 to 100 per day
2,001-3,500               30 to 55 per day
3,501-8,500               10 to 30 per day
8,501-40,000             1 to 10 per day
40,001+                      1 per day

So to knock this example down to at least #2, and take over #1 we would have to sell 650-1,100 books in the 24 hr period of time during launch day

>>> I Wouldn’t recommend this category if this is your 1st launch UNLESS you have upwards of 1000+ people on your AWeber Email list ready and eager to purchase <<< 

Historically I’ve suggested:

BSR # of 3,500+ = 10-30 books per day and you’re golden

IF IF IF you can get a category that makes sense <<< this is important, again you don’t want it to be obscure just to pull this off, its not hard to jump up a few in the competition and get a good category you can be proud of, let me show you.

IF you can grab a great category AWESOME do it and run with it…if you are even in the LEAST bit hesitant, or flat out can’t watch this:

BSR # of 2,000+ = 30-55 books per day and you’re golden
What this means is you open the opportunities for better categories WITHOUT having to really have that many more sales 🙂
BSR # of 1,000+ = 55-100 books per day and you’re golden

Again …You have EVEN MORE CHOICES at this level and you’re talking a 20-30 TOTAL book difference ….this is my favorite level because it provides the most options without the extra 100’s of sales THAT DAY to achieve. In my experience 60-65 sales and this is pretty much done deal, ending up with 75+ isnt uncommon, 90-130 is also fairly doable.

Again —- this all hinges on YOU and how much of the homework YOU’VE done preparing for launch day, look at AWeber daily, and see where you’re at, and KEEP PROMOTING.

When you have 100+ on AWeber Alone you’ve in a good spot come launch day, because there will always be people the day of launch or the day before who are just hearing about it AND when your audience starts purchasing and sharing what they just bought you’ll have new 1st time buyers just because of them, again this is the exception NOT THE RULE.

Don’t depend on the ancillary fringe benefits to make this happen, be thankful, but proper planning prevents piss poor performance.

This is just a calculation, it’s not rocket science…

Serve Your Audience the month before you launch + Add real value + announce your book and the link to register + say thank you + keep doing it DAILY

“What about the even HIGHER COMPETITION BSR’s?”

I will say I have personally achieved  the 100+ sales per day and are in the category of 201-1000 for the BSR # but unless you have the audience and the #’s I’ve never recommended it to any clients of mine.

I did it on myself personally (mainly as a test) and realized if it doesn’t happen, its my problem not yours 🙂

Good news is we did achieve it 🙂 —Marketing Category (Very high competition) and ended up in the 700-800 #BSR in all of Amazon with 120+ sales

Again pick categories carefully, err (air?) on the side of caution and (this might be the only time i ever say) play it safe —- my 1st launch years ago landed me at #2 ….for a week WHY? ….because despite 350+ Sales it wasn’t the best categories —they were GOOD but not the best …and every day i promoted it i kept getting sales but never enough to push it over…than i got a little sad about it and ended (Because it was also after Christmas and before new years)

I RELAUNCHED 150% prepared and nailed it 🙂

I was thankful for the hundreds of sales but I’m personally telling you to take an extra Block15Time™ maybe an extra day or two or a week, do this NOW and let your brain help you – be prepared, and choose a category you know you can achieve AND that makes sense <<< important — the whole point of this training is authority credibility —- don’t get a #1 best seller in “Growing a Fern in your office” is your really in “Business and Finance”

And please don’t justify it by saying “But its in your office” …”Not the garden”

Come on …really, you’re better than that, be honest — people WILL ask, and it takes 3 seconds for them to look on Amazon to see the truth…be congruent, BE THE AUTHORITY 🙂

>>> Here is a listing of All Amazon Categories <<<

Stay focused on Your Ultimate Goal and Choose Your Categories Wisely

Module 2.3 — Editing Your Bestseller

— Editing: 

100% of people have: done it themeselves, known someone who loves this stuff, or in the course of the pre-launch someone volunteered to help them, or had a friend do it.

As with most everything else we need solved online, there are people on Fiverr that can help assist you

Module 2.3 — Formatting Your Bestseller


Fiverr Formatting for Kindle Direct Publishing

I have worked with Shaz since my 1st book in 2012 and for majority, the books I’ve published, helped clients publish, and even referred people to get formatted.

She is great and easy to work with (if you’re considerate in return and don’t ask for a miracle 24hrs before a deadline….but most CAN pull a 2-3 day turnaround if need be however I personally as a way to run your business don’t recommend it …but stuff happens 😉

***When you are ready, let me know and I’d be happy message her first so she is expecting you.

Proper formatting for both kindle + Createspace at the time of this post is $50-$100 but totally depends on HER PRICING, which changes and I have no control over



You’re welcome to reference my Fiverr Name:

Mario with qualitywork4biz 

I suggest 20,000-25,000 word for when we aim for 100-110 page book.

With that being said….

• Trim Size plays a role you gain A LOT of pages from typing your manuscript 8.5×11 and getting it formatted 6×9

• Font Size also plays role, you WILL HAVE varying font sizes for chapter titles, table of contents, introduction, about the author and “other books/products by the author”

• Blank space/pages – use it to your advantage — paper is cheap, don’t feel you have to cram it all in less space, use blank printed pages (within reason) to separate the legal crap from when the book starts (1 page)

Chapters — I’ve always personally liked started at least 1/2 way down the page and using BIG BOLD LETTERS to set the tone of the chapter…recently found out, there is actually a winning format for a lot/most of the NYT Best Sellers use and I don’t want to say 100% but most follow starting 1/2 way down (read a study that analyzed 100’s of books on the list and they the similarities)

• About the Author — This is to help your prospects but also establish you as the authority, use 1 full page on the left for your photo and your bio on 1 or 2 (or more) pages in the back to let everyone know why they’d be a fool to do business with anyone BUT YOU  (again don’t be shy with space)

Moral of story lol i just got the pun:

“If you need more pages to reach your goal and have a spine on your printed book, create more pages…but don’t think you have to write more just to fill them”

I can tell you my Expert Authority Effect™ hardcover book printed in real life is 105 pages but 59 pages in word with just shy of 21,000 words

Module 2.4 — Publishing Your Bestseller

Publishing with KDP: (15-30mins)

KDP Submission Checklist 

Getting Started

Learn more about Kindle content creation tools for children’s books, educational content, comics and manga.

1) Enter Your Book Details:
KDP Select — Do NOT Enroll

Book Name — [ Type The Book Name here ONLY THE NAME — sub-title goes below ]

Please enter the exact title only. Books submitted with extra words in this field will not be published.

The title should contain the actual title of your book as it appears on your book’s cover in order to provide the most optimal reader experience. Do not insert anything in the title field besides the actual title of your book. Book titles that are unnecessarily long, or contain extraneous terms, can lead to inaccurate or overwhelming search results and impair readers’ ability to make good buying decisions. Click here to learn more.

Sub-Title — [ Type The Sub-Title Here]

Please enter the exact subtitle only. Books submitted with extra words in this field will not be published.

The subtitle should contain the actual subtitle of your book as it appears on your book’s cover in order to provide the most optimal reader experience. Do not insert anything in the subtitle field besides the actual subtitle of your book. Book subtitles that are unnecessarily long, or contain extraneous terms, can lead to inaccurate or overwhelming search results and impair readers’ ability to make good buying decisions. Click here to learn more

Is This book is part of a series? 

A series is a connected set of books. If this book is part of a series, identify where the book exists in the sequence with a volume number. We only accept volume numbers in numerical format (“1”, “2”, or “3”). Magazines and journals are also often grouped as a series. Identifying the series helps customers find other books in the series.
Edition Number — Leave Blank

(Unless it’s actually part of a series, if so put the corresponding series #)

An edition is a particular version of a book. The edition number tells readers whether the book is an original version or an updated version. If this is the first time you have published this book, enter the numeral 1. If the book was previously published and the version you are publishing contains significant changes, enter the numeral 2(and so on)

Publisher — IWDNow Publishing

If you are the book’s author or publisher, you may enter your name or the name of your publishing company here. KDP is not a publisher, but rather supports authors and publishers like you to sell on Amazon. Only the names of the author or publisher of the book should be entered in the publisher field. Click here to learn more.

Description — Copy and paste your Description from the Book Description Homework

Description Limit = 4000 characters

Book Contributors: — Type Your Name and Choose “Author”

Contributors are the people involved in creating your book. You can identify your book’s author, editor, illustrator, translator, and more. You can enter multiple contributors as needed. To publish your book, at least one contributor name is required, and all contributors of any public domain content are required.

Language — English

The language represents the primary language in which the book was written. KDP supports many languages today, and we are working to add more. Learn more about the languages we support today.

ISBN — Leave Blank ( for Kindle ONLY )

An ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. You can publish your book without one, but if you do have one, you may enter it here. However, it will only be used as a reference and won’t actually appear on the detail page of your eBook (only the ASIN will).

Important: Do not use an ISBN from a print edition for your digital edition. If you want to include an ISBN for the digital version of your book, it must be a unique ISBN. You can purchase an ISBN from multiple sources on the Web, including the official ISBN body.

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a numeric commercial book identifier which is intended to be unique. Publishers purchase ISBNs from an affiliate of the International ISBN Agency, you will need 1 of these to publish your book in print.

IWDNow Publishing can get you one for only $80 (or less) <<< click there to invest than:

Post a comment in the Expert Authority Effect FB Group saying “I would Like an ISBN from IWDNow Publishing” )

Bowker sells them for $125, Amazon sells them for $99 (But you can’t print or go anywhere outside of Amazon)

or you can save 20%-36% over retail on your ISBN, IWDNow Publishing invests in bulk to save you $$$.

Our ISBN #’s let you print in multiple languages and don’t limit your sales to Amazon only.

Get your ISBN from IWDNow Publishing by >>> clicking here <<<

2) Verify Your Publishing Rights


“This is not a public domain work and I hold the necessary publishing rights.”

Publishing rights are the rights you need to publish a book. To publish a book for Kindle through KDP, you must have obtained all rights necessary to publish the digital book from the book’s author and any other content creators, or, if you are the book’s author, you must have retained all of the necessary digital book publishing rights.

If you are publishing a public domain book, keep in mind that the duration of copyright varies between countries, so ensure that you indicate your territory rights accurately. (If your book is in the public domain in one country but not another, you must identify your territory rights accordingly.) Books that consist entirely or primarily of public domain content are not eligible for the 70% royalty option. For full details, terms and conditions see the Pricing page and Terms and Conditions.

If your book is under copyright and you hold the necessary rights for this content, select “This is not a public domain work and I hold the necessary publishing rights.” If your book is a public domain book, select “This is a public domain work.”

3) Target Your Book Customers

Categories — See “Categories” Training Above

A browse category is the section of the Kindle store where users can browse to your book. Think of the browse category like the sections of a physical bookstore (fiction, history, and so on). You can select up to two browse categories for your book. Precise browse categorization helps readers find your book, so identify the most appropriate categories for your book.

Age Range — Choose Your Audience’s Appropriate Age Range

In the Kindle Store, age ranges help readers find books that suit a child’s reading level. For books in Juvenile categories, we recommend adding a specific age range. You can select an age range from Baby to 18+ years old. Learn more about age ranges.

U.S. Grade Range — Choose Your Audience’s Appropriate Grade Range

In the Kindle Store, U.S. grade ranges help readers find books that suit a child’s reading level. For books in Juvenile and Education categories, we recommend adding a specific grade range. You can select a grade range from Preschool to 12th grade:

  • Preschool: Picture books
  • Kindergarten-2nd grade: Early, leveled readers; first chapter books
  • 3rd grade-6th grade: Middle-grade chapter books
  • 7th grade-12th grade: Teen and young adult chapter books

Learn more about grade ranges.

Search keywords (up to 7)

Search keywords help readers find your book when they search the Kindle Store. You may enter keywords or short phrases that describe your book and are relevant to its content. The best keywords are those that do not repeat words in the title, category, or description, as these are currently already used to help readers find your book. Some types of keywords are prohibited and may result in content being removed from sale. Click here to learn more.

4) Select Your Book Release Option

Please select if you are ready to release your book immediately or if you would like to make it available for pre-order


“I am ready to release my book now”

Pre-order lets you offer customers the option to pre-order your book as much as 90 days before the release date. On your book’s release date, customers who pre-ordered your book will automatically have it delivered to their Kindle. Learn more

5) Upload or Create A Book Cover


“Browse For Image”

Upload an existing cover, or design a high-quality cover with Cover Creator.

I have a book cover designed and ready to upload
Please read our Cover guidelines

6) Upload Your Book File

Select a digital rights management (DRM) option:


“Do not enable digital rights management”

DRM (Digital Rights Management) is intended to inhibit unauthorized distribution of the Kindle file of your book. Some authors want to encourage readers to share their work, and choose not to have DRM applied to their book. If you choose DRM, customers will still be able to lend the book to another user for a short period, and can also purchase the book as a gift for another user from the Kindle store.

Important: Once you publish your book, you cannot change its DRM setting

Book Content file:




7) Preview Your Book:


“Online Previewer” — It will notice any spelling errors that may have been missed and will give you the opportunity to fix them in the word .doc before submitting.

Previewing your book is an integral part of the publishing process and the best way to guarantee that your readers will have a good experience and see the book you want them to see. KDP offers two options to preview your book depending on your needs.

Which Should I Use?

The online previewer is quicker and easier, and will allow you to preview most books as they appear on Kindle, Kindle Fire, iPad, and iPhone.

For most users this will be sufficient. If, however, your book is fixed layout (for more information on fixed layout, see the Kindle Publishing Guidelines), the online previewer will only display your book as it will appear on Kindle Fire. If you would like to preview your book on Kindle Touch or Kindle DX, you will want to use the downloadable previewer.

Using the downloadable previewer is simple, and step-by-step directions are provided if you click the link marked “Instructions”.

8) Verify Your Publishing Territories


“Worldwide Rights – all territories”

Select the territories for which you hold rights:
If you hold worldwide rights for your book, select the Worldwide Rights option. This enables Amazon to make your book available for sale worldwide.

If you don’t hold worldwide rights to sell and distribute your title, you must indicate the territories in which you hold rights. If you are publishing a public domain title, keep in mind that the duration of copyright varies between countries, so ensure you set your territory rights to only include those territories where you have determined the book is in the public domain.

9) Set Your Pricing and Royalty

Please select a royalty option for your book.

Amazon.com — Set price for 0.99 (it will require the “0” follow by “.99”


“35% Royalty”

Leave the box checked and let KDP set the international pricing automatically for you.

“Set [UK/DE/FR/ES/IT/ETC] price automatically based on US price”

* Estimated royalty is calculated from list price without tax. Learn How royalty is estimated

Amazon’s International Sites:

Simply change the .com extension in your browser to reflect the country you want to look up for sales rankings on launch day to see how you are doing internationally

Amazon.com (USA)

Amazon.co.uk (United Kingdom)

Amazon.de (Germany)

Amazon.fr (France)

Amazon.es (Spain)

Amazon.it (Italy)

Amazon.nl (Netherlands)

Amazon.co.jp (Japan)

Amazon.com.br (Brazil)

Amazon.ca (Canada)

Amazon.com.mx (Mexico)

Amazon.com.au (Australia)

Amazon.in (India)

Important information about pricing

  • EUR and GBP list prices that are set automatically based on your US Dollar list price are converted using the exchange rates in effect on the date that they were initially calculated. If the converted list price would be outside of the minimum or maximum list price we accept for the currency, your list price will be converted so that it is equal to the applicable minimum or maximum list price for that currency. List prices automatically set for your existing books are displayed in the above table.
  • As of January 1, 2015, the list price you provide includes VAT. Customers in Europe see the list price for your book with VAT included. Estimated royalties are calculated based on the list price WITHOUT VAT. Learn more about VAT and royalty calculations
  • If you are setting multiple list prices for your book for different Amazon websites, click here for more information.

For more information about list price conversion, VAT, royalties, and Delivery Costs, see the Terms and Conditions, Pricing Page and List Price Requirements.

10) Kindle Matchbook 

YES — Enroll this book in the Kindle MatchBook program.

The Kindle MatchBook program gives customers who purchase or have previously purchased your print book from Amazon the option to purchase your Kindle version for $2.99 or less. If you have a print version of this title, enroll your title and select a Promotional List Price that is lower than your Kindle List Price by at least 50%. (Prices greater than 50% of the Kindle List Price will not be available to select.) Learn more about Kindle MatchBook.

11) Kindle Book Lending

YES — Allow lending for this book

Enrollment in Kindle Book Lending will allow users to lend your book after purchasing to their friends and family for a duration of 14 days. For full details, review the Kindle Book Lending Program.

12) (Essentially) “Push The Button” — The Most Important Step and the Begining Of Your New Life 

By clicking Save and Publish below, I confirm that I have all rights necessary to make the content I am uploading available for marketing, distribution and sale in each territory I have indicated above, and that I am in compliance with the KDP Terms and Conditions.

🙂 Click “Save and Publish”

Pop-Up Notification 1:

Initiating publishing…this may take a moment
Your book is now being published. Please allow approximately 12 hours for English and 48 hours for other languages to be available for purchase in the Amazon Kindle Store. Until then, the book’s status will be “In Review” on your Bookshelf.

Pop-Up Notification 2:


Please be aware that it can take up to 12 hours for English and 48 hours for other languages to be available for purchase in the Amazon Kindle Store. Until then, the book’s status will be “In Review” on your Bookshelf.

Click “Back to Your Bookshelf” (Yellow Button)

And that’s it ! 🙂

***When I published my first book Dec 2012 it used to say “Up to 24hrs” I can tell you from personal experience that night (Morning) it took 5.5-6hrs ( Can’t say for sure but i submitting at 5:10am, went to bed and woke up to friend and client blowing up my phone saying “Its Live!” and it was about 25 after 10am than I took a shower and “woke up” <<< I was not really coherante and when I came to, it was “Around” 11

So to be safe I say 5.5-6hrs, it was defintily there but I can’t say for sure if it was 3hrs,4hrs, or 5hrs but it most certainly was available 5.5-6 hrs later.

My 2nd Book (February 2014) took 3-4 hrs from the time i “Pushed the button” till the time you could purchase it

My 3rd book (Dec 2016) took around 1 hour (I just checked) I literally submitted it, started working on this and at the time I was typing i was like hmm “Lets see” I checked and sure enough There it was 🙂

So in short When we launch at 7am EST on your launch date, get the book in the week before so you can enjoy the days leading up to launch care free and feeling accomplished. If you need till a few days before, no problem, day before? Awesome. Even if you are submitting at midnight the Monday before your Tuesday Launch…it will still be ready. After years of launches, I have never seen it take the full 12 to 24 hrs and every year that goes by Amazon/KDP just seem to get faster and faster.

Moral of the story — Keep pushing, DO NOT STOP — This is a Done Deal — Opposition and Adversity Simply Mean You’re On The Right Path.

I wrote my 2nd Best Seller in a day

I wrote my 3rd International Best Seller in under 5 Days, of which those days included: Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Shopoholics Saturday, Sunday, and Cyber Monday.

I also still spent 6+ hours with family on TDay, went to after party at Neighbors, another 6+ hours Friday at the “continuation” party, another party Sunday, as well as Monday evening.

We are only held hostage by what we believe in possible.

If you believe it will take you 2 yrs and you “can’t do it in time” —sadly, you are right

However, If you believe you can do this without a doubt in your mind in a day or two and set a goal to focus for a week tops (medium pace) I assure you its possible.

It’s MAYBE 6-9 hrs work, I pretty much stuck to 30-60 min blocks at once than went and did something else and came back.

Chapter 4 I believe is the longest and i got in the zone so much the first time i looked 2.5 hrs passed, but I believe its the best chapter and I’m really proud of how it turned out.

Do what works best for you, but just tell yourself “I just need to jot down some notes than expand on them”

You’re not “Writing a book” …that’s too much work, your simply “sharing your thoughts and best ideas so that someone else can benefit from them

See, now THAT, to me is fun, exciting and easy to do.

Just do it a couple of times, and before you know it everything will be complete.

You don’t need 7 chapters, all you need is 7 thoughts expanded with some stories of your experience to cover the 3 supporting thoughts, no big deal. 10-15 pages that’s all.

Module 2.5 — Printing Your Bestseller

You wrote the book, got it edited, had it formatted, and now it’s time to print it! 🙂

While you can get your book printed anywhere, I advise:


Kindle Direct Publishing:


48 Hour Books:















Module 2.6 — Launching Your Best Seller — Book Launch (Virtual Event Online)

This one here is quite voluminous and requires a little more than “Clicking a few buttons”

While “Publishing with KDP” is essentially uploading an email attachment, launching your book to best seller in a whole other ball of wax that requires a fair amount of strategy and precision.

That I why I dedicated an entire module to it 🙂

>>> Best Seller Book Release Online Launch (Module 8) <<< Click here

Module 2.7— Celebrating Your Bestseller ! Your VIP Book Launch Party (Event in Real Life)

(Things to Consider)

What is your goal?

• Have AN event?
• Have an awesome event?
• Have an exclusive high end VIP Event?

• Couple it with a midday workshop Training with offer to sell your signature training program?

• Follow Up Event Follow Month? — Breakfast, Lunch N Learn, Half Day Training, Evening Networking Mixer?

• Venue Selection
• Ticket Pricing
• Food and Beverages
• Added Value Benefits: Give copy of book, free report, product, etc
• Decorations

• Seating
• Table Arrangement — Standard Table or High Top
• Surprise 1
• Surprise 2
• Guest Speaker
• Guest Host
• Photographer(s)
• Videographer(s)

• Assistants
• Lighting

• Order Takers (Processing Sales)

• Room Layout & Setup
• Logo Background Backdrop
• Photobooth
• Testimonial Booth

Bonus — Module 2.8 – Creating You Audio Book
